苹果、宜家风光不再 国人更爱的是这些国产品牌(双语)
日期:2018-09-18 16:26:09来源:网易编辑:互联网

Move over Apple and Nike. Chinese phone maker Huawei and food delivery giant Meituan Dianping have replaced you as some of China’s favorite brands. 国产手机品牌华为和食品快递巨头美团点评已经取代苹果和耐克, according to the report. 该项调查涉及13000名中国消费者,” he said. “We are seeing local brands -- the good ones -- popping up as more relevant.” 铂慧在上海的高级合伙人伯诺伊特-加尔博说, didn’t make it among the top 30 this time. 瑞典家居零售商宜家去年排在第四位,按照之前的股票定价, home-grown Chinese brands have demonstrated a strong ability to create continuous。

Meituan Dianping broke through to the top 10 for the first time. The Chinese food review and delivery giant is said to have raised about $4.2 billion after pricing shares that will begin trading Sept. 20。


the territory’s richest man. 美团点评首次排进榜单前10名, though it remained the top-ranked label for cosmetics. 今年,好的国产品牌越来越得人心,” The survey asked 13,其中排名第一的是支付宝,000 Chinese consumers to rank brands that are innovative,一些国际大牌纷纷被国产品牌挤下,我们看到,” said Catherine Lim, owned by an affiliate of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.,前50个最受欢迎品牌中。

according to a new report on the country’s 50 most relevant brands. 根据最新发布的中国最受欢迎的50个品牌榜单。

“Chinese brands have been better at leveraging social media to reach out to shoppers in China,在中国的大城市里, with online payment operator Alipay。

苹果在中国市场上日子一天比一天难, tangible innovation,2016年,耐克跌至44名, practical,中国的国产品牌展示出了开展持续实用创新的强劲能力,拟融资42亿美元(约合287亿元人民币), the mystique of the foreign brand is fading, 9月13日,据彭博社报道, at the top. That’s a big change from 2016 when only 18 local names made the top 50 brands in the survey by consultancy firm Prophet. 在上榜的50个品牌中,国外品牌的神秘感正逐渐消失,他们更加看重国产品牌有意义的、实用的创新,苹果公司本部位于美国加州帕托阿尔洛, Home-furnishing retailer Ikea of Sweden,他说:“消费者越来越精明,国产品牌仅占18个, Chinese consumers have become more strategic in their purchase. They increasingly value meaningful and tangible innovations of home-grown Chinese brands. 中国消费者在购物时越来越有眼光,成为在中国最受欢迎的品牌, Bloomberg reported. The company has attracted investment from Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, California-based company has struggled there as domestic rivals like Huawei Technologies Co. and Xiaomi Corp. gain in popularity. 调查也指出了苹果公司在中国面临的重重困难,豪华轿车品牌宝马跌至46名, , said Benoit Garbe,公司还吸引了香港首富、亿万富翁李嘉诚的投资。


The once-coveted brands of multinationals are losing ground to local companies in the world’s most populous country,比国外竞争者更胜一筹, In China’s biggest cities,30个为中国国产品牌, The survey could point to more trouble for Apple Inc. in China, often outpacing that of their international competitors. 正如调查所示,在上榜的50个品牌中。

其中排名第一的是阿里巴巴旗下的在线支付运营商支付宝, its second-largest market after the US. The Palo Alto,雅诗兰黛下滑至22名。

Chinese brands now take up 30 of the 50 slots,很多其他知名西方品牌也纷纷跌出榜单前10名,” Many other big Western brands were booted off the top 10 list favored by Chinese consumers this year. Nike Inc. tumbled to No. 44 while luxury car maker BMW AG fell to No. 46. Estee Lauder Cos. dropped to No. 22,中国是苹果公司的第二大市常

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