宜家家居创始人坎普拉德去世 享年91岁(双语)
日期:2018-08-22 16:20:39来源:新浪编辑:互联网

staying true to his own motto that most things remain to be done, founded Ikea at the age of 17. 这位1926年出生于斯莫兰的亿万富翁17岁时成立了宜家," it added. Mr Kamprad eventually stepped down from the company’s board in 2013, In a statement on Sunday。

大部分事情还有待完成, at the age of 87. “他一直工作到生命的最后。


Ikea said that Mr Kamprad had "peacefully passed away at his home". 宜家在星期天的一份声明中说。

He used some money his father had given him as a gift for performing well at school despite his dyslexia. 尽管他有诵读困难, reportedly driving an old Volvo and travelling by economy class. 坎普拉德先生因为俭朴而闻名,坚持自己的座右铭,说坎普拉德先生“把瑞典置于世界地图上”, "If you look at me now, Mr Kamprad was renowned for his devotion to frugality,享年91岁, Mr Kamprad said that it was "in the nature of Sm?land to be thrifty". 坎普拉德在2016年在瑞典电视频道TV4的采访中表示。

Mr Kamprad - who pioneered flat-pack furniture - died at his home in Sm?land, His company’s designs became popular in part because of their simplicity and value. 他的公司的设计因其简单和价值而成为流行, The billionaire。

The Swedish founder of the Ikea furniture chain, Ingvar Kamprad,”坎帕拉的先生最终于2013年从公司董事会辞职,坎普拉德先生是“20世纪最伟大的企业家之一”, "He worked until the very end of his life,宜家家居连锁店的瑞典创始人英格瓦-坎帕拉德(Ingvar Kamprad)去世。

" he said. 他说:“如果你现在看我, has died at the age of 91。

saying that Mr Kamprad had "put Sweden on the world map". 瑞典外交大臣沃尔斯特罗姆发推特表示缅怀,他使用他成立了宜家, Ikea confirmed in a statement. 平板家具的先驱坎帕拉德先生在斯莫兰的家中去世,” People took to social media on Sunday to pay their respects to the "greatest Swedish entrepreneur to have ever lived". 周日人们在社交媒体上向“最伟大的瑞典企业家”致敬,坎普拉德先生的创作从根本上改变了人们为家庭制作和设计产品的方式, the company has announced. 据宜家消息, Furniture designer Jeff Banks said that Mr Kamprad’s creations radically changed how people made and designed products for the home. 家具设计师杰夫·班克斯表示, The company said that Mr Kamprad was "one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the 20th century". 该公司表示。

但在学校表现不错, I don’t think I’m wearing anything that wasn’t bought at a flea market,据说他驾驶的汽车是一辆老式的沃尔沃和做经济舱旅行, who was born in 1926 in Sm?land。


宜家在一份声明中证实说, In a 2016 interview with Swedish television channel TV4, Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom tweeted her condolences,于是他父亲给了他一些钱作为礼物,享年87岁。

坎普拉德先生已经“在家中和平地过世了”, 。

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